What happens when a moose is let loose in a garage? Well, it goes just about as well as you’d expect.
One of the hulking mammals recently wandered into the garage of Schmiedmann, a Scandinavian BMW tuner and parts supplier, according to Jalopnik. The animal eventually left of its own accord but not before trampling a couple of classic Bimmers on its way out.
Schmiedmann director Viktor Örtegren was recently putting his boat in storage for the winter at one of the company’s facilities located on the outskirts of Gothenburg. The executive had just towed the vehicle into the structure when he heard a commotion and looked to see what was causing it. Imagine his surprise when what he found was a giant moose.
Apparently, the moose, or elk as it is called throughout Scandinavia, had followed Örtegren and his boat into the garage, according to a video posted to Schmiedmann’s YouTube account. The animal immediately came to regret this decision and began to panic, jumping and bashing into the vehicles that surrounded it. It was soon able to reorient itself and leave the building before it hurt itself or anyone else. The clip shows the moose fleeing across the highway where the facility is located and heading up a hill and into the woods.
The moose may have hurt no living creature, but the same cannot be said for the vehicles that were being stored at the facility. Bearing the brunt of the damage was a freshly repainted classic E31 850i that the shop had nearly finished restoring for a customer. The video shared by Schmiedmann shows that it will need a completely new hood along with some other body work. The animal also inflicted dents and scrapes on another 850i that belonged to a customer, as well as an employees E36 3 Series.
A close-up of the damage inflicted to one of the BMW 850is
Schmiedmann Specialist in BMW/YouTube
That’s bad of course, but it could have been so much worse. The video shows the moose to be about as big as the vehicles that it’s trampling. The repair bill for the three vehicles is expected to come in at around $20,000.
Unsurprisingly, the owner of one of the damaged 850is reportedly thought Schmiedmann was joking when they were informed of the incident, but alas they were not.
Bryan Hood
Senior Staff Writer
Bryan Hood is a digital staff writer at Robb Report. Before joining the magazine, he worked for the New York Post, Artinfo and New York magazine, where he covered everything from celebrity gossip to…
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