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Cally Chan

Cally Chan

General manager of Microsoft Hong Kong and Macau, Cally Chan was the first woman to hold the position since the company was founded in 1991. She was also its first regional GM to win the Top Subsidiary Microsoft Global Award for two consecutive years and is a bona fide trailblazer, being the founding chairman of the Hong Kong Computer Society FACE Club in 2014 (the city’s first club for women in the IT industry). Beyond Microsoft, Chan has also been a board member of the Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre and a council member and Knowledge Transfer Committee chairlady of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology since 2021, while acting as a member of the Transport Advisory Committee in 2022. That same year, she also received a Medal of Honour from the Hong Kong government for her exceptional efforts. With a passion to empower others, Chan’s future goals include elevating Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area to become leading IT hubs, while also securing a more prominent future for the city within the world of Fintech. She also hopes to help local enterprises expand not only into China but across the globe, setting new industry benchmarks for others to follow

Source: Prestige Online

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