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Joyce Tsang of Stone & Star on Self-Care and Setting Intentions for the New 12 months

Joyce Tsang of Stone & Star on Self-Care and Setting Intentions for the New 12 months

Joyce Tsang of Stone & Star on Self-Care and Setting Intentions for the New 12 months

Joyce Tsang, the founder of Stone & Star, shares her self-care routine and tells Prestige why 2024 is the year of ceremony, celebration and new rituals.

This year is an eight-year in astrology, which is all about abundance and expansion. There’s a shift happening this year that will never happen again in this lifetime and it’s Pluto moving into Aquarius. And if you subscribe to feng shui, all the masters will tell you we’re entering a new 20-year cycle. Either way, it’s almost like a rebirth for everyone. It also fits nicely with the Year of the Wood Dragon too, which is all about building a foundation and growth.

This is the Year of Ceremony for me. There’s so much around this word, it could mean a public ceremony, like a marriage, or it could mean an inner ceremony and setting new rituals. The most important thing to remember this year is to treat life as sacred and to celebrate life and to embrace all the joys and magnificent experiences that come with it.

Joyce Tsang of Stone & Star
Joyce Tsang of Stone & Star

Self-care comes in many forms, but it really is just about being in tune with your body. It could be as simple as drinking enough water or getting enough sunshine. It’s about listening and then acting upon what your body is telling you. The physical body is what houses our mind and our souls, so if you don’t have your body at 100 percent, then you can’t do anything at 100 percent.

Morning routines to me are very important. When I wake up in the morning, the first thing I’ll do is tongue scraping, then I’ll have a glass of warm lemon water. I’ll do morning pages, which is like journaling. I dump everything that’s still in my brain from the day before on paper, so that when I proceed in the day I can start with a clear head. I also like to do energy cleansing, whether with frankincense, sage or Palo Santo.

I picked up cacao towards the end of last year, which is really interesting. But I love going through the motions of shaving the block of raw cacao and mixing it in water or milk and drinking that. It has a lot of magnesium, which helps sleep. And I also journal at night, which is my winding-down activity.

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If you want to include crystals in your daily life this year, shungite is a good one to start with. Everybody should just put one by their wi-fi router to help shield electromagnetic-field exposure. Green fluorite is great for mental clarity – it helps you focus on learning and investing in yourself. Blue kyanite is really good for communication and opening up the throat chakra, and it can help us speak our truth and what we want into existence. Pyrite is also great for aligning with the abundance factor and bringing good luck and fortune this year. 

Read more: Feng Shui Colours for the Year of the Dragon

Source: Prestige Online

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