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MBC Studios’ Zeinab Abu Alsamh on the Next Generation of Saudi Talent

MBC Studios’ Zeinab Abu Alsamh on the Next Generation of Saudi Talent

MBC Studios’ Zeinab Abu Alsamh on the Next Generation of Saudi Talent

Prior to joining Saudi Arabia’s MBC Group in 2021, Zeinab Abu Alsamh, one of The Hollywood Reporter‘s 2024 Most Powerful Women in International TV, served as chief commercial officer of the Saudi Broadcasting Authority, where she was responsible for the programming strategies of its entire broadcast portfolio.

At MBC Studios, the in-house premium content production arm of MBC Group, she oversees the production and development of new projects, while also serving as CEO of MBC Academy, which discovers and nurtures emerging talent.

“Internally, we spent last year restructuring to better serve the market and empower those with the right expertise,” she says, adding that in the past year the Academy’s biggest achievement “was having 23,000 beneficiaries graduate from our training programs. We are incredibly proud of them.”

What was your first job in the business?

My first job was in advertising as an account executive, which eventually evolved into a role as a strategic planner. In that position, I was responsible for understanding consumers and finding ways to create ads that resonate emotionally while addressing practical needs. I often revisit what I learned in that role to better understand our viewers and what moves them. I truly loved that first job!

What was the biggest professional challenge you faced this past year?

The most exciting part of working in a market like the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the rapid change the country is undergoing. However, constantly keeping up with what is relevant and understanding the stories our audience wants to see on screen can be considered challenging, but to be honest, I find it more exciting than anything else. It inspires us to constantly push to cut through the clutter and serve our audiences well.

What do you see as your biggest achievement of the past year?

Internally, we spent last year restructuring to better serve the market and empower those with the right expertise. Looking at MBC Acadmey, our biggest achievement was having 23,000 beneficiaries graduate from our training programmes. We are incredibly proud of them.

What needs to be done to improve equality and diversity within the industry?

You might be surprised by the high percentage of diversity and women in leadership roles within our organisation. More than 50% of my team are women from various backgrounds. However, the challenge for women in our line of work remains achieving a work-life balance. We offer flexible working hours, and I have a KPI to ensure my teams maintain a healthy balance, which is always a win-win.

What is or has been the greatest challenge in being a woman in this (still very male-dominated) industry?

As mentioned, work-life balance is the greatest challenge. Despite the progress we’ve made in gender diversity in the region, balancing professional responsibilities with personal life continues to be a struggle for many women, I believe. I strive to support my team by promoting flexible working conditions. And MBC Group is very supportive of flexible working and championing women in leadership roles.

What current industry trend do you hope to soon see the back of?

I was recently appointed as the head of MBC Talent, an integral part of our business. This division is relatively new compared to other departments at MBC Group, and there’s so much potential to build an infrastructure that matches the fast-growing pace of the industry. If I had to pick a trend to focus on, it would be artificial intelligence and really getting into how we can all learn to benefit and enhance our work across the board.

What advice would you give young women just entering the industry?

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Never stop learning and wanting to learn. The industry is constantly evolving, and the people who are knowledgeable and adaptable will always have an edge. Being well-rounded in your expertise is key, and continuous learning will pay off.

What show, currently on air, would you love to have made?

That’s a tough one because there are so many! However, the fantasy genre always intrigues me. I often think about what it would be like to create a large-scale fantasy series in Saudi Arabia.

What do you watch for pleasure?

I enjoy watching reruns. There’s something relaxing about revisiting classics and learning from them without worrying about the ending. I go in already knowing how it will end!

What do you do to unwind?

I spend time with my family and visit my parents. I don’t get to do that as often as I would like, so it’s always my go-to “fix” to unwind.

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