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Exclusive Interview With Dr Graciela Ayala Specializing in Sports Nutrition & An Influential Content Creator From Central America

Exclusive Interview With Dr Graciela Ayala Specializing in Sports Nutrition & An Influential Content Creator From Central America

Hollywood , California

Dr Graciela Ayala discovered her talent of creating content during her years studying at a private medical  school in Central America. After graduating as a Medical Doctor she received  a scholarship from the prestigious University of Spain to continue her masters specializing in sports nutrition.  In the year 2015 she created her own blog which became an instant success , shortly after that she launched her own luxurious accessory brand named Yala Design in 2019 which again became another big success . She described to Lavish Life magazine that all her designs and creativity was a way to cope with her depression , anxiety and other chronic diseases that she had years ago  . Her designs was an escape helping  her fight against all the obstacles she encountered during her hard times. 

Dr Graciela Ayala explained that Art and Fashion is not only a way of expressing yourself but a way of life . Her success and ambitions has given her recognition by many regional magazines naming her as one of the most influential woman . Her impressive track of success has allowed her to collaborate with many global brands such as cover girl  , Tommy Hilfiger , Glamira and many more. 

Very inspirational story , can you please tell Lavish Life Magazine Readers what was one of your biggest challenges ? 

One of my challenges has been not being taken seriously , fashion Is a hard industry and i am not the typical blogger or fashion creator, i have been underestimated so many times. I had many rejections , learned many valuable lessons during my journey and apart from that I had my health issues that was a major challenge everyday.

What are the goals you want to achieve in the future ? 

I have many goals that I aim to achieve as a doctor and as a creator , currently I am working on publishing my second book and I am also planning my dream wedding with the love of my life. 

What is one of your biggest dreams ? 

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One of my biggest dream Is to be an inspiration for all latinas around the world and for people in general , especially to those who have chronic diseases suffering from heart diseases. 

Lavish Life Magazine would love to thank you for this interview , any last words or advice for our readers in Los Angeles and the entrepreneurs around the world ? 

I want to thank the prestigious Lavish Life for this wonderful interview to introduce my story to your readers , it was a great honor .  The advice I can give for young entrepreneurs is that you can only achieve  success if you truly love something, I love my work ‘cause i motivate people through nutrition to be their best version, with love and hard work you can achieve your goals but never forget to be patient and grateful with life. Do good and always with a heart full of love because that what you will get in the end.

By Lavish Life Publication Editorial Team

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