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An Exclusive Interview With The Majestic Jimmy Star, The “King OF Cool” , Crowned Best Entertainment Publicist in The US & The Radiant Host of The Jimmy Star Show With Ron Russell 

An Exclusive Interview With The Majestic Jimmy Star, The “King OF Cool” , Crowned Best Entertainment Publicist in The US & The Radiant Host of The Jimmy Star Show With Ron Russell 

An Exclusive Interview With The Majestic Jimmy Star, The “King OF Cool” , Crowned Best Entertainment Publicist in The US & The Radiant Host of The Jimmy Star Show With Ron Russell 

Meet Jimmy Star, a multi-talented megastar taking the entertainment world by storm! With over 44 years of experience in the TV and film industry, Jimmy has earned a reputation as a true Renaissance man in the entertainment world. From acting and directing, to producing, writing, costume designing, and even public relations, Jimmy has done it all and done it well. With 245 titles under his belt, 68 of them as producer or associate producer, Jimmy is a true force to be reckoned with in the industry.  Jimmy’s expertise in public relations has earned him recognition as the Best Entertainment Publicist in the United States, where he works at World Star PR and works with some of the biggest names in entertainment. Jimmy is also a social media powerhouse, with over 1,200,000 followers, and a popular entertainment blogger with a top-ranked website. 

The Jimmy Star Show with Ron Russell is another feather in Jimmy’s cap. This highly acclaimed web-show has just broken 1 Billion streams and is a fan favorite around the globe. With its reputation as the 10th Best Celebrity Interview show in the world, Jimmy and Ron have interviewed some of the biggest names in entertainment and continue to captivate audiences with their unique blend of humor and expertise. And if that wasn’t enough, Jimmy can now be seen in the new documentary series Icons Unearthed: The Fast & The Furious, airing on Vice TV. This talented superstar continues to push the boundaries and raise the bar in the entertainment world. Don’t miss a chance to catch Jimmy Star in action – he’s a true icon, unearthing the best in entertainment. 

As a leading figure in the entertainment industry, Lavish Life magazine is thrilled to have the opportunity to speak with you. Your show has captivated audiences and left a lasting impact. Could you share with our readers the journey that led you to start in this field? 

The Jimmy Star Show with Ron Russell started as a result of my work in fashion actually. I was a well-known clothing designer who worked with a ton of celebrities and musicians,  and was asked to be the fashion voice for “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy” radio version on Y-100 in Florida and Z-100 in NYC. I had a blast being on the radio for several months, so I thought it would be fun to start a radio show… I answered an ad looking for interns at W4CYRadio in South Florida. It was one of the biggest internet stations in the world, and the technology was very new. I said I did not want to be an intern, but that I had a lot of famous friends and would love to host a talk show. The owner of the station, Dean K. Piper gave me a shot, and after a few weeks of a 50 minute show, the response was so positive they offered me a two hour weekly show, and the rest is history. Almost 16 years later we are still on our home station W4CYRadio and having a blast. We are now radio and TV, so the show is live video and we have amazing guests. I want to make sure to give props to my co-host Ron Russell, who is also an amazing host, actor and raconteur. His humor and wit has propelled the show to amazing heights, and he is an incredible talent. He is also an amazing husband, and he is all mine.

As a highly regarded and successful blogger, you’ve made a significant impact on the entertainment world. With your website ranking as #39 of the top 100 entertainment websites and being named the 10th Best Celebrity Interview show, you’ve truly earned the title of superstar. Could you share with our readers what it feels like to have reached such great heights in your career? 

I am very proud of the success I have had so far in my career, but I am not one to rest on my accomplishments. There are so many more mile markers I am hoping to achieve. I appreciate everything and everyone who has given me opportunities to live my dreams, and am happy that I am able to recognize them and that I am not afraid to jump in head first and see what I can do.

Your association with blockbuster films such as The Fast and Furious franchise and the many Marvel and DC films has left a lasting impression on audiences everywhere. As a respected figure in the industry, could you provide our readers with a glimpse into your experiences working on these iconic projects?

Honestly, they are great credits, and I did a lot of work behind the scenes in The Fast and the Furious, and I am on the list of actors who have been in the most billion dollar movies, but basically in all of those I am just background, and worked on them to network and meet people. You meet a lot of really talented people working on sets, and doing so has opened the door to working on the amazing films I have produced, as well as finding guests for The Jimmy Star Show With Ron Russell.

As a publicist/producer/talk show host,  you encounter a range of challenges on a daily basis. Could you enlighten our readers about some of the difficulties you face in your line of work and how you overcome them? 

Staying organized and on top of all of the projects I am simultaneously working on. At any given time, I am working on 5-10 film projects, hosting my weekly TV show and juggling clients in my PR Business. I am fortunate that all of the businesses I work in are inter-related, and all in entertainment. It is a great benefit in networking and creating opportunities.

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You have undoubtedly achieved great success in your field. Looking towards the future, what are some of your aspirations and objectives that you hope to accomplish?

I am fortunate that I have reached many of them already, but I think it would be amazing if I were able to raise funds for produce movies just based on my name. I would love to call and investor and have him finance a film just on my reputation of making great movies. I am working diligently on this, so maybe one day it will happen. 

Jimmy Star, you have undoubtedly made a significant impact in the entertainment industry, serving as a source of inspiration to many. To the young entrepreneurs striving to make their mark in this competitive field, what valuable advice would you offer to help them succeed? 

Go For It! Do not let others tell you what you can and cannot do. Read a lot. Learn how things work in all aspects of the business so you can take advantage of all opportunities that come your way, so you are able to work in front of the camera and behind the scenes.

By Lavish Life Publication Editorial Team

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