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Feast on These Restricted-Version Chinese language New 12 months Choices

Feast on These Restricted-Version Chinese language New 12 months Choices

Feast on These Restricted-Version Chinese language New 12 months Choices

Each year, Conrad serves exquisite traditional Chinese New Year Pudding (HK$338) that’s bouncy and indulgent as well as Turnip Pudding (HK$338) with preserved sausages and dried shrimp with a consistency that’s perfect for either steaming or pan-frying. And of course, a set including both puddings (HK$507) is available as well as a Classic Chinese New Year Hamper (HK$1,888) which is perfect for gifting. You can even make your own hamper and curate its contents, starting from HK$350. Options include Conrad’s puddings, sweets like chocolates or macaroons, traditional Chinese sweets, premium dried ingredients, a bottle of champagne, white wine, or red wine, and even fresh fruits. Make your own hamper special with an additional bouquet of flowers or the classic Conrad bear.  

Source: Prestige Online

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