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Girls Of Energy 2023: Professor Ava Kwong Displays On The 12 months That Was

Girls Of Energy 2023: Professor Ava Kwong Displays On The 12 months That Was

Girls Of Energy 2023: Professor Ava Kwong Displays On The 12 months That Was

Professor Ava Kwong’s research into breast cancer and work as a doctor and educator have made her one of the most respected surgeons in her field. Kwong is also the founder and chairman of the Hong Kong Hereditary Breast Cancer Family Registry, a clinical professor and chief of the breast-surgery division for various hospitals.

How would you describe your 2023?

In 2023, I worked as a clinical professor doing a lot of research work; I travelled to international conferences to share our knowledge; and I spent a lot of time working on the charitable organisation, the Hong Kong Hereditary Breast Cancer Family Registry. It’s certainly been a surreal few years, so it’s good to be getting back to normal pace and momentum.

What were your biggest achievements in the past 12 months?
I won the University of Hong Kong Faculty of Medicine Clinical Excellence Service Award and got to work with the Health Bureau to implement new clinical projects in the public sector.

Professor Ava Kwong is the founder and chairman of the Hong Kong Hereditary Breast Cancer Family Registry. Photo: Supplied

I also managed to reinstate the annual Pink Ball event in support of the Hong Kong Hereditary Breast Cancer Family Registry, which is strongly supported by our health secretary, Professor Lo Chung Mau. At home, I’m proud I managed to still be a mother and wife too, spending quality time with my children and husband.

What was your secret of success in the past year?
Perseverance, recognising I can’t do everything, treasuring teamwork and having a team with the same vision.

Were there any challenges you had to overcome?
We saw a major change in staff across all sectors, including academic work, clinical work and even the Hong Kong Hereditary Breast Cancer Family Registry. It was challenging but I kept a positive view – changes can be better. Having said that, some staff who left me during Covid came back to rejoin the team, which was nice.

What lessons did you learn this year?
Appreciate life and the people around you, as not everyone can be there forever. Learn to adapt to changes and see challenges as an opportunity.

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What advice would you give last year’s self?
When you face challenges, there’s a reason why they appear. Be patient and try and go with the flow. In time you’ll be at a different level.

What are you looking forward to in 2024?
Rebuilding and creating more opportunities to make a difference
in the lives of my patients, their families and society by using my research work to support public health planning.

Source: Prestige Online

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