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Joanna Lui Hickox

Joanna Lui Hickox

Executive director of the Galaxy Entertainment Group (GEG) Foundation and GalaxyArt, Joanna Lui Hickox is passionate about Macau’s development and its transformation into a regional lifestyle hub. She’s also at the forefront of the company’s arts, lifestyle and event-based initiatives. Fostering change at a grassroots level, GEG’s activities include a five-year school programme that helps dyslexic children to draw and the GEG Sign Bilingualism Co-Enrolment Scheme, a deaf education programme in which a hearing teacher and a deaf teaching assistant learn to co-teach in an inclusive classroom environment. “Children are naturally inclusive, so nurturing tolerance in the classroom can build confidence for life,” says Lui Hickox. “These initiatives give so much back to children and their families.” A mother of two daughters, Hickox says she’s also becoming involved
in female empowerment. “Raising girls has definitely attuned me to the importance of women helping women,” she says. “I hope to cultivate more initiatives that support women in our community. Fostering a supportive community for women
is vital for our future growth.”

Source: Prestige Online

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