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Elio Bergamaschi & Gabriella Bologna The Rising Salsa Stars From Milan Sharing Their Love Story & Their Passion For Salsa Dancing

Elio Bergamaschi & Gabriella Bologna The Rising Salsa Stars From Milan Sharing Their Love Story & Their Passion For Salsa Dancing

Elio Bergamaschi & Gabriella Bologna The Rising Salsa Stars From Milan Sharing Their Love Story & Their Passion For Salsa Dancing

Elio Bergamaschi and Gabriella Bologna are both professional Salsa dancers in Milan with a romantic story . They both rose to fame dancing salsa in Italy because of their fascinating series of magical spins and extraordinary turn patterns to the music . Their dedication and discipline towards mastering Salsa has made them both an inspiration for many salsa dancers in Italy .

Elio first met Gabriella during his first salsa class years ago at the famous Latin Revolution dance school in the south of Milan , he immediately felt a deep connection and could not get his eyes of her . Gabriella with her blonde hair and stunningly beautiful smile made Elio unexpectedly fall in love instantly . The two ended up practicing salsa together for years , dancing as partners side by side and surprisingly changing each others lives in a spectacular way . In the beginning they both started with basic salsa lessons, with every class they felt more enthusiasm , developing love for salsa which allowed their aspirations to grow rapidly . The couple constantly practiced and pushed themselves to master the many different styles of dance techniques and traveling to different cities to participate in Salsa contests .Over the years they implemented many dance projects and performances which led them achieving great success . Continuously growing their influence and recognition in Italy . Their passion for salsa influenced others to walk in their footsteps which helped change many lives in a positive way .

Elio and Gabriella were born to middle class families in the south of Milan (northern Italy), During their school years the couple both loved sports and were champion athletes . Elio was into soccer and basketball and Gabriella was deeply involved in the sport of gymnastics at a championship level .

After graduating from high school they both attended prestigious Universities in Italy , ElIo attended the University is Politecnico of Milan and Gabriellaattended ITC A. Bordoni Institute . 

Elio tell us other than dancing salsa , what other activities do you enjoy ?

I have reached a phase in my life that I want big challenges , I started wind surfing , it gives me sense of freedom . I also love playing tennis , I practice it at a very professional level and participated in tennis tournaments. 

Gabriella can you answer the same question , what exciting activities do you like ?

I enjoy a variety of sport activities, since childhood I always loved gymnastics . I do lots of workouts to strengthen my muscles and recently discovered spinning which allows me to focus on resistance-based intervals, testing my limits , heart rate training and getting a complete body workout.

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Elio and Gabriella tell us what is your ultimate dream ?

Good question , our dream is to travel the world together experiencing different cultures & countries , then finally buying a small house in the Canary Islands to live happily ever after far away from big cosmopolitan cities .

By Lavish Life Publication Editorial Team

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