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Exclusive Interview With Hollywood Superstar Kash Hovey Producer & Host of The TV Show “On Air With Ka$h”

Exclusive Interview With Hollywood Superstar Kash Hovey Producer & Host of The TV Show “On Air With Ka$h”

Exclusive Interview With Hollywood Superstar Kash Hovey Producer & Host of The TV Show “On Air With Ka$h”

Kash Hovey is a gifted and talented superstar. He began making films at the age of 10 years old, using his camera with Ashley Bell (The Last Exorcism), Michael Shuman (Queens of the Stone Age) and DJ Dillon Francis. This led him to perform in a showcase where he signed with an agency and booked his first national commercial directed by Joe Pytka. He successfully continued to act in films, tv, and music videos during his teens. During his college years, he modeled for Antik Denim and worked in front of and behind the camera, expanding his knowledge of film. In 2007 he graduated from California State University Northridge with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications Studies.

Following graduation, Kash Hovey began working at William Morris Endeavor in the voice over department. It was there where he learned the business of the entertainment industry. While at WME, he began working with the producers at Blackheart who had just released the feature film “The Runaways” about Joan Jett starring Kristen Stewart. He ended up landing the role of Adam in Joan Jett’s next feature film “Undateable John” playing opposite Shannen Doherty. While filming, the writer/producer of “Undateable John” handed him the script for Blackheart’s next feature film “Jack and Cocaine” and offered him the lead role of the title character Jack. The film built a strong social media presence and eventually screened at the Valley Film Festival. This started a new chapter in his life as an actor and producer.

In 2021, Kash Hovey began hosting his talk show “On Air with Ka$h” where he has interviewed various artists including Whitney Cummings, Cary Elwes, Danny Trejo, and Beverly D’Angelo. In November 2022 he was asked to host a film block called “Kash Hovey and Friends” at Film Fest LA at LA Live with Kira Reed Lorsch who hosted a Women in Media Panel. “On Air with Ka$h” won Best Web Series and Best Host at the festival. Recently this brilliant star has just wrapped a new feature film with Kansas Bowling who was a featured artist at Film Fest LA and began working with Kira Reed Lorsch, Lance Alexander, and Samantha Bailey in “The Listening” by Jax Malcolm.

Lavish Life would like to know what new approach are you practicing in your successful career journey? 

I’m at a point in my life now where I want to be more selective about how I invest my energy and time. I want the work I take on as a producer and actor to connect with people. I want to continue to work people who inspire me including my dear friend Kira Reed Lorsch. I’m so grateful  for the opportunities that have come my way and have always tried to bring the best result for every endeavor I take on.

Our readers in Los Angeles love your TV show, any big plans for your successful show in the future? 

We are beginning a new season of “On Air with Ka$h” and have some exciting new guests confirmed. Stay tuned.

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Kash you are truly an inspiration to many people, do you have any final words, your experiences or advise you would like to share with our readers? 

I grew up in the entertainment industry and I’ve had some great experiences. I also was exposed to a lot at a young age and had to overcome some obstacles and losses. Life is a journey and I’ve had so many different chapters. The times when I wasn’t doing well is when I wasn’t being true to myself and wasn’t following my passion. Know what works for you and do what you find to be inspiring.

By Lavish Life Publication Editorial Team

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